Thursday, June 11, 2009


I need a stint in my pulminary blood vessel. At the heart of my life there has been some compression which has caused a kink in the flow of true compassion. The stint I speak of is the word of God which causes the blood to flow freely. I don't get enough. Even if I read the bible everyday, all day,I would not get enough(that's a cop out).
First off,there is business to attend to. Always business .Responsibilities: schedules,house,garden,scoliosis,arthritis,car chores,phone chores,dog and cat chores...
There are people who make too much noise and confusion , so these, because I have the overriding business to take care of ,(for the most part) I shut off. Because I shut them off, they make more noise and confusion. I know in the smallness of my heart that they need more,more of me, and that is why they act this way. I walk to the bedroom, grab a blanket, go into the closet, close the door, wrap myself up and get into the fetal position.I don't feel better because of it.NO.
No ...No...
This is what actually happens in my good day . I get up, look at the sky and say once again,THANK YOU SO MUCH!I don't hide, but express my love with the tithes of giving and sharing,caring ,holding on. I speak hope to the weary and confused,Life to the lost and alone.Peace to the frantic and angry. God to those perishing.
I tell it like it is, " I'm in love with you everyday. You and you and you and you...etc.etc.etc.
To my own soul I say, It is well.